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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Virtual Stocking Stuffer/Giveaway: Are you getting your Z's?

From Pzizz:
In as little as 10 minutes, Pzizz can clear your brain, improve focus, lower stress and let you get on with your day by helping you take a short performance break. How does it work? The Pzizz software is downloaded to your PC/Mac/mobile device in two forms: an Energizer Module (which helps users take power naps during the day) and a Sleep Module (which helps users get a good night’s sleep).

Top 5 tips on how to squeeze in a power nap while your kids take their naps.

1/ Make sure you understand how much you deserve this
'time out'.
2/ Use pzizz as often as possible so that your
subconscious becomes accustomed to it and you are able to nap quickly
and effectively!
3/ Make yourself nice and comfortable so that relaxation
is easy
4/ Enjoy your 'time out'. Make the most of your own time
and let go of all the stresses of the day
5/ Make sure others understand what you are doing and
how important it is for you ESPECIALLY your children!

My views on Pzizz:
How would you like to get a couple Z's with just the click of a button? Sounds too good to be true right? With Pzizz you can actually catch up on much needed rest throughout the day. I know Mommy's everywhere are actually rubbing their eyes reading this. I was too when I got the opportunity to review this wonderful and energizing tool.

Better yet you can download onto your computer and drum roll please, your iPod! Its a simple application and it can even be customized to your liking. With 3 sleep modes: the Energizer Nap, Sleep, and Meditation.

The music is lovely, with soft nature sounds and some synthesizing, all very calming.

There is a money back guarantee and free upgrades for life policy. More info at Pzizz.com

Would you like to win a bit of peace with Pzizz.com ? Check out Pzizz.com
and come back telling me which feature you like best! The program comes with a key code that can be used on up to 3 computers (PC or Mac). Recommended time to try it for at a time is 20 minutes before passing judgement!

Giveaway ends: December 1st!

Be on the lookout for more stocking stuffers!


~Kristinia/Loving Heart Mommy~

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